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The Classicaliszt


Classical is an ambitious genre to tackle. From gregorian monk choirs singing in caverns to contemporary music recitals in museums, the spectrum is enormous. The sheer number of pieces for any composer is astounding. The size of the orchestra, the  Read more  »

The Classicaliszt

GOD’S CHOIR: Vocal Compositions Through the Ages

Choir composition are at the genesis of classical and one of the first documented forms of music in the world. Polyphony (multiple voices in harmony) revolutionized music as we know it and like most early music, it is thoroughly entrenched  Read more  »

The Classicaliszt

ERIK SATIE: Genius before his time

French composer Érik Satie is unique and isolated musical figure in all senses. Adulated by our current generation, his appeal with the common audience is almost greater than his more accomplished peers, yet during his time he was extremely poor  Read more  »

The Classicaliszt

SAMSON FRANCOIS: Prelude to a troubled soul

A truly great artist is comprised of many traits. Skill, innovation,style & ease of execution; all transcendent aspects of a singular personality that undoubtedly garner both critical acclaim and universal admiration. However above all, its the artists personal connection to  Read more  »

The Classicaliszt

THE PERFECT TRIFECTA: Classical Trio Ensembles

Quartets are a team, they form a unit and perform as one; but the trio is entirely different. Three individual forces collide and hope to attain balance and achieve a maelstrom of virtuosity, creating the perfect musical storm. Violin,piano,cello all  Read more  »